Wounded Feminine

The domination of the wounded divine masculine energy and the vilification of the divine feminine energy has created a deep spiritual wound. As human beings, we exist within a universe held by a tertiary code. Two parents bring in one life. Your being is the macrocosm compressed into the microcosm. We have both masculine and feminine energy within us. This is reflected through us and by us into "Reality". The divine feminine is our emotional body, the desire to expand, creative immersion, divine will, and connection to the spiritual realm. The female body and Earth is a manifestation of this energy. The female body is the Aquarian water bearer. Human beings exist within the womb as the children of the divine feminine. Human beings were placed on earth to create heaven through the primary template of feminine energy; as time evolved various states of being joined the Earth's timeline. The feminine principle was suppressed and outcasted to control the divine will. This was done by creating an upside-down nature of “Reality”. The feminine has been required to serve or be submissive to the masculine, no longer acknowledging our free will to create our existence. The feminine energy that connects us to life was replaced with the ideology that if it cannot be seen, tasted, touched, heard, or smelled it is an illusion of the mind. The logical mind is the manifestation of the masculine principle. The reality we experience now is an illusion of the mind, a matrix. Who benefits most from you being cut off from your spiritual connection? Your creativity, emotions, spiritual gifts, soul wisdom, dual nature, and imagination are gifts from the divine feminine. We must learn to embody and trust the divine feminine, again. Her aspects are your gifts for your liberation.


Fear of God


The Noetic Muse