Spiritual Abandonment

The seeds of abandonment are wounds that affect our root chakra. Our root chakra is our first chakra and it deals with survival. As infants, we were dependent on our mothers for love, nourishment, and survival. Unfortunately, not all mothers or parents were good at this or prepared enough to provide this to children. In our mother’s womb, any doubt, fear, rejection, or indifference about becoming a mother and being responsible for new life was absorbed into our emotional body. These create gaps or blocks in our emotional bodies that connect us to our spiritual bodies. Your spiritual body is how you navigate and communicate in the spirit realm. Without proper healing wounded spirits can become lost or attract other lost/wounded spirits into their auric fields. The abandonment wound leaves people open to accepting spiritual parasites or leeches. Abandonment is one of the deepest wounds due to the nature of this current reality. Our bodies and egos have made us believe that we are separate from the world around us. On a spiritual level, we know that this is not true. On a soul level, we desire to connect and experience life fully. The abandonment wound enforces a false thought form (programming) that our existence depends on something outside ourselves. This causes co-dependency, the need to control others, healer syndrome, self-betrayal, and default to survival mode. Other forms of abandonment may be the belief that God or the Divine Mother abandoned us due to sin. We blame our divinity for our suffering and the evil within the world. Abandonment is truly a deep fear of death or non-existence. The spiritual lesson is embracing the present. The eternal now.


Solar Eclipse in Aries


The Wounded Healer