The Wounded Healer

A wounded healer is a person who has put the emotional, spiritual, and karmic needs of others above their own. Empathy is a spiritual gift that has been commercialized and creates an identity for the ego to attach itself to a false reality. When you unconsciously participate in the empath identity you are giving your power away and enmeshing yourself into others' emotional, spiritual, and karmic bodies. To be a healer you will need to have something to heal. Many of us are wounded healers who have soul contracts or divine commitments in this lifetime. For example, if you are meant to heal multi-generational curses. This can be done by expanding your spiritual understanding, healing yourself, and fulfilling your life purpose. The spiritual lesson is service to self. Healer wounds will show up as the following:

  • Feeling others emotions

  • Doing others' emotional labor

  • Feeling responsible for others’ spiritual healing and ascension

  • Putting others before yourself

  • Lack of boundaries

  • Feeling disrespected, undervalued

  • Feeling guilty for setting boundaries

  • Misanthropy

The path of the wounded healer leads to a deeper acceptance of ourselves. While also healing our relationship with power. May your journey be empowering.


Spiritual Abandonment


Healing from Betrayal