Healing from Betrayal

As co-creators of our existence, we are all growing and evolving. We have the power to betray others and ourselves. Have you ever gotten away with a small lie, half-truth, or misjudgment? When we are betrayed; this can be the feeling of being taken advantage of by a parent, caregiver, family, or friends. This betrayal can result in sexual, physical, mental, and emotional abuse. Children have a deep need for love, connection, and trust. When this is hindered it creates the wounds of betrayal. This can be expressed in multiple ways such as sibling rivalry, gullibility, entitlement, enmeshment, self-hatred, blocked emotional body, fear of change, feelings of unworthiness, lack of trust within self, materialism, anger, and anxiety.

Betrayal is a wound that festers deeply within the soul & psyche. Its very nature ensures the wound's survival. Betrayal becomes a part of the identity of a false sense of self. The spiritual lesson is compassion and forgiveness for your wrongs and when you have been wronged.


The Wounded Healer


The Recognition of Guilt & Shame